38879 r/HentaiBeastWhat Dot does all day while being locked inside her room~ (Shoichi) by Horse_Bitch
589280 r/HentaiBeastPSA: Do you suspect that your captain is the same knot-pocket porn starlet in your favorite set of holo-vids? You’d be absolutely right! Better keep it to yourself though, or else you might spend a month locked in the brig… Or starring in her next video. [Sparrow] by Sinful_Walrus
467158 r/HentaiBeastHe locked me on a cage. The only reason he opens it is to let another dog in to pound my ass. What am I to do? >.< (Artist: 妄想自炊人) by [deleted]
38071 r/HentaiBeastLove how Lara has her legs locked around him (the vice art) by just4friendsixtynine
412103 r/HentaiBeastLocked in the pound after hours? You aren’t the only one who needs company~ (wolfgang_bang) by EeveeBoy232