483174 r/HentaiThe vault dwellers always turned out to be the best pleasure slaves, their naivety and fresh bodies perfect to become obedient toys in the wasteland. (Cherry-Gig) by TheLunchBuyingMonk
422113 r/HentaiElf slaves were usually the most popular choice for humans to use as their freeuse cumdump.(10hMugen) by TheLunchBuyingMonk
523214 r/HentaiBeastDespite being nearly feral, Gnolls were experts at ambushing adventurers, often times capturing new slaves that will spend their lives constantly being knotted and filled with fresh Gnoll seed. (Isatan) by TheLunchBuyingMonk
467158 r/HentaiMost new breeding slaves resisted the against Orcs at first, but eventually they’d begin to worship and beg for their masters cock. (Elleciel.eud) by TheLunchBuyingMonk